I don't know why I seem to panic whenever I don't hear from a guy a couple of days after we do what I did with Marcus. In fact, the Sunday after Thanksgiving he called me and we go together. I haven't seen him since, but at least I know that he is still interested. I know he is interested but what I don't know is if I can tell my friends from High School or not, so I am not saying anything to them or not. We didn't discuss that because I don't talk to many people, but the two people that I do talk to I don't know who they talk to.
This is where I can put my thoughts and what is going on in my life at the time. This helps me get through the troubling times I seem to be going through right now. I remember using a diary when I was younger and sometimes I would forget what I wanted to write in, but with a blog I don't have that problem.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Not Much Going On
I don't know why I seem to panic whenever I don't hear from a guy a couple of days after we do what I did with Marcus. In fact, the Sunday after Thanksgiving he called me and we go together. I haven't seen him since, but at least I know that he is still interested. I know he is interested but what I don't know is if I can tell my friends from High School or not, so I am not saying anything to them or not. We didn't discuss that because I don't talk to many people, but the two people that I do talk to I don't know who they talk to.
Monday, November 21, 2005
What A Weekend

Monday, November 07, 2005
What A Great Ending

Tuesday, October 25, 2005
What Can I Say
Thursday, October 13, 2005
What A Couple of Weeks

Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Introducing Bradley
I don't think I officially introduced the little guy in the picture on the right. That is Bradley who is my sister's best friend Gayle's second son. He came to us in April and boy is he adorable. I am pretty sure he is a lot bigger now than shown in this picture. I know Gayle is not too happy that there is a chance that my sister won't be home this Christmas, but hopefully with us being there for her she will be a little more understanding. See Cyndy's boyfriend's family has invited her for Christmas this year and I think she is going. Heck you never know, she might come here for Thanksgiving like she did a couple of years ago.
Work is kind of slow right now, but heck it is nice because this is a break before the storm. My temp came in today, so she is doing most of the stuff that I would normally have to do. Right now I am pretty much doing paperwork and stuff like that so I can catch up on that and not have that over my head when we get really busy. The temp is working out very nicely and I am glad that she seems to be catching on really quickly. I just hope that when I have to turn it over to her, that she will be able to handle it without too many problems.
Well I should go now. Until next time...
Monday, September 26, 2005
Busy Times
Tuesday, September 06, 2005

Monday, August 29, 2005
What A Game
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Not Much Going On

Now I know how new mothers feel when they aren't with the babies for the first time. I think this is the longest amount of time I haven't been home since we got the little guy in this picture last year. I go home every couple of days, but I seem to miss him even more so. I wasn't planning on going home until Saturday, but I think I am going to go home tonight for a little bit to spend time with him.
Monday, August 22, 2005
A Great Way to Start and End the Weekend
What a great weekend. I spent most of my day on Saturday with the three guys that are in this picture. I spent most of the day with Michael and I think the best thing is that he is doing a heck of a lot better. Victor had Joey all weekend and Joey was a little shy that day, but at least he didn't start being a brat when I was in Victor's room talking to him. Victor didn't seem to be himself that day, but I know he is having problems with his girlfriend, so that might have to something with it. I know that he is frustrated and wants to be with someone and I don't think she is in a part of her life that it would be good to bring him into her life especially with her family.
I think the best part of the weekend is that I decided to do for his birthday next Tuesday. I got the idea of going down there as a surprise and I got my wish. Sandy my supervisor gave me the day off so I can do that. I called my aunt Patti and she thought it was a great idea and is excited that I am going to do that for him. I can't wait to see the look on his face when I show up that day because I told him that I wouldn't be able to be there for his birthday and I knew he was kind of down for that, but this will make his day for sure. See my supervisor knows all that is going on with him and can understand that the more I can spend time with him the better. I better take advantage of it now because starting next month I am pretty sure I will be busy until the end of the year. On top of that, I am going to have to train some one on how to do my job so we can start testing and being trained for a new program that I am going to be using by the end of the year.
The one thing that I am really happy about is that Sandy came to the conclusion that we are going to need a temp to help us during the time of the testing for the new program because they want me to just concentrate on that testing and without help there is no way possible for that to happen. It will make my life a heck of a lot easier when this happens and hopefuly it won't take too long for the testing to happen because if it does then I am screwed because after the trip in October there is no chance of me being able to do any kind of testing and so forth. Well I better go now. Until next time...
Monday, August 15, 2005
Great Family

Wednesday, August 10, 2005
My Little Boy
Monday, August 08, 2005
What A Great Weekend

What can I say. Strange things do happen, but before I get to that, let me tell you about my weekend. The afternoon that I had with Dene and the girls was a great time. The Karaoke place sucked, but what can we do about that. Debbie, Michelle, Dene and I went to the movies, dinner at Ruby's on the pier and sat and chatted for a little bit after the movie waiting for our table and in the car to and from.
Thursday, August 04, 2005

Well my co-worker is bugging me about going to get lunch. I will talk to you next time...
Wednesday, July 27, 2005
Good Times
I am going to a 40th birthday party this Friday for a friend of my cousin Dene's. She is having a Bon Jovi Tribute Band play at the party and that seems pretty exciting. There is a nice looking bass player in the band and I am hoping that he will be there and you never know something might come out of it. The last time I saw them play I was with my ex Victor so I couldn't flirt with any one, but little did I know that he was flirting with girls at the same time we were going out.
Well I just got introduced to the lady that our main boss hired as an office assistant. Rehana has just come to the point that it is really happening and that Ophie is never coming back. I guess it must be hard for her because she feels like she is replacing Ophie. She also is worried that she won't be able to live up to expectations of the office. I told her that wouldn't be the case because she has done a great job since she got promoted in January to be Arlene's assistant and she hasn't had any problems. Well our office will never be the same without Ophie and it will be along time until we can move on and work like nothing has ever changed.
Well, I haven't said much to about my friend Mary. What can I say about her. She is an amazing lady and friend and I consider her like another friend. I am very lucky to have her as a friend. There are days I wouldn't know what to do if she wasn't in my life. Above is a picture of her and I at a Dodger Game.
Well I should really get going now. Until next time...
Monday, July 25, 2005
What A Weekend
Thursday, July 21, 2005
Bad Week
Friday, July 15, 2005
Busy Week

What can I say about this picture. This picture was 8 years in the making last year. I am just glad that all is now resolved and everyone knows the truth.
This week has been a rough one for me, but at least it is almost over. The new Harry Potter book comes out tonight. I can't wait. I have been waiting for the new one to come out for almost 2 years now. Now if I can only not have any car problems and I would be a lot happier.
Well I know this entry is short, but I must end it for this week. Until next time.
Friday, July 08, 2005
What A Week

What can I say. It has been one of those weeks and I am really glad it is over now. I sometimes feel like I take on too much in my life and never live the fullest.
I am going to a yoga class tomorrow for the first time since I took that one with my sister when she was here. I am going to really enjoy it and I look forward to doing it.
I am house sitting right now for the weekend and then I am going to be home for two nights and then away for another one. I get about a month break at home and then I am away for almost 3 weeks and then home again for one night and then away for another 3 weeks. It is all good because I have a couple of credit cards that I have maxed out so I can pay them off with these jobs that I am doing. Also, I can get some very needed car repairs like brakes, air conditioning service, and tires. It all costs money, but what can I do when I drive my car everyday.
Now it is time to go and get my nails done. I will write in again maybe on Sunday when I am done with this job since I don't have access to the internet at the location I am at now. Until next time...
Thursday, July 07, 2005

I thought I would show a picture of my baby kitty Meechi. The one on the right is when we found him in our front yard with his eyes closed. The one next to it is about two months ago. He keeps me going every day because he gives me this cute little kitten eyes and I absolutely love them. He also does this baby kitty thing and how can I resist him crawling up on me in the middle of the night doing this.
He is going to be upset with me tonight through Sunday because I won't be there since I have a house sitting job. I am thinking about taking him to the house for the day on Saturday. In fact, I took him to that house almost a month after we got him because my parents were going to be out all day and I couldn't bring him with me. He was the entertainment for the party and the kids at the party loved him.
It has been a pretty busy day today and now I can actually relax a little bit because I have the report done that I needed to get done today. I just have to make one more copy and a couple of cover pages and I will be done with many thanks to Wah (sp?). What would I have done with her because I have almost quit a couple of times before she started to help me. I have been so busy that I haven't been able to write in this blog and I really enjoy doing this kind of stuff. I used to keep a diary when I was younger and now that I have a blog I can do it a heck of a lot easier.
I think the next thing I need to do is meet a guy that I can go out with and have a nice time. I think I just have to be patient and the right guy will come in time. When I least expect it also.
Well I should get back to work now, so I will see you next time I have a chance to do a blog entry.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
I had a very busy 4th of July weekend, but had a lot of fun over the weekend. I have a new house sitting client next week and I am pretty excited about that one. She has two beautiful cats and they really like me so that is a good sign. In fact one of them is really shy around people she doesn't know and before I left for the night, she was in my lap purring and Kim the owner, said she hasn't done that with her yet.
I think the best news I got was last night. I got into a minor fender bender back in March and I had to pay $400 towards the repairs. Well we got a check yesterday in the mail for $400 for reimbursement of the deductible which means they found it not to be my fault which is just awesome. I couldn't believe how lucky I was and now that won't be points against my record especially since I had one that was all my fault for sure I little less than a year before this one. I was a little worried that they were going to cancel my policy, well I don't think they can since they found this one not to be my fault.
Well I should get going now. I will update you as soon as I can. Until next time.
Friday, June 24, 2005
End of Second Week and Early Day

This is the end of the week and we get to leave early because of early summer schedule Fridays. End of the month during the summer months we leave at 3pm instead of 5pm. I think that is pretty cool.
I am kind of sad that my sister went back to New York yesterday, but we had a really nice time and didn't kill each other at all. We had a really nice time yesterday. She took me to this yoga class and I am a little sore today, but it is a good sore, so I am happy about that. We did a couple of errands and that was that. I am looking forward to December when she plans on coming again and hopefully Bryan will come this time around. We are all talking about taking a trip to Hawaii next year which should be nice.
Well I gotta go now. I will talk to you soon.
Tuesday, June 21, 2005
End of the Day
Friday, June 17, 2005
End of the Week
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Day The Earth Moved
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
Cyndy Comes Home
Tuesday, June 14, 2005
End of Day
When Jonathon died in January I lost the love of my life. Now trying to find someone that can even compare to him is really hard. My friend Milena convinced to me to try usmilitarysingles.com and of course I have seen some interesting looking guys, but I haven't gotten many responses back. We'll see. I gotta go now. I want to get out of this hell hole. See you tomorrow.