Boy is this a great shot considering all that has happened in the small amount of the week that we have experienced already. My friend Andy is in this picture with me at a Dodger Game that we went to a couple of weeks ago. In the picture to the right is a good friend of Andy's and an ex of mine Alejandro, that we just connected with after 13 years of not talking to each other. See if it weren't for Alejandro I wouldn't have this good friend by the name of Andy. Andy and I have been wondering what happened to him after boot camp but we never did contact him and if it weren't for the webpage myspace.com I wouldn't have found him. So many feelings came back for Alejandro when I spoke to him over the phone on Saturday. We are going to get together in October when he is taking some leave to come and visit his family and us down here in LA. See right now he is stationed in Washington and will be there for awhile. I know I can't wait to see him in October and I am pretty sure Andy is to, so I will just keep you updated in the months to come about it all. I haven't felt this way towards any one in awhile and I guess that is because I really haven't been looking and that is usually when I meet someone. I didn't think I would feel this way in the past if we ever reconnected so I think he really touched me back then when we were dating. I know that if his visit in October has a good ending I am going to go and visit him in Washington over Thanksgiving weekend. I told him that I would like to come up then and he sounded really excited about that. You never know what might happen between us and I will just keep my fingers crossed because I wouldn't mind to tell you the truth.
Work has calmed down a lot in the last month and I am not having as much of a demand on my work right now, so I am kind of relaxed now. I just wish they would get rid of this one girl and that is because she is doing the work that I could be doing if they didn't hire her because she is someone in this office's daughter. I am kind of mad about that right now, but I don't want to get into it. The computer program is getting easier and easier every day we are using it. They are making some of the requests that we have asked so that is nice. I just wish that when the program went live that everything all the departments asked for happened before hand, but oh well we can't dwell on that any more. We just have to learn from it.
I am ready to start a new chapter in my life which will include a career change in about a year and a half. I have decided to go back to school to become a Vet Tech. I have done some research and it won't take me as long as I thought so I am just going to do it. I have been wanting to do this for years now and I think I am finally going to persue something that I really want to do.
The kittens are doing great. They are getting really big and very demanding. Well I should get back to work. Until next time...