I can't believe that I am actually on Day 30 of this challenge. I never thought I would finish it. I looked back and realized that I started this challenge on 10/24. I know I missed a couple of days, but some how I was able to catch up and finish it exactly 1 month later. I don't know what picture I should put on this entry. I have had so many neat experiences in my life the last 3 years and some rough ones I don't wish on my worse enemy.

The one above is the one that was 4 years ago when the night we saw each other for the 1st time in 13 years. The night I found him on MySpace I never thought that I would fall in love with some one from my past all over again. We didn't expect us to be together again after all the time that had past, but sometimes people just have to grow up and learn from their experiences before they find the one they want to spend the rest of your life with. I have had so many friends tell me that our story is amazing, but I don't really think so. My feelings of people not finding the right person at the right time pretty much means you need to stop looking and you will find him. Yes it took me a lot of crappy relationships to learn this, but once you do you have an amazing opportunity to be happy. You. just have to be patient.

The one above is on our Wedding Day back in 2007. We had amazing day that day and I still can't believe that we are happily married kicking and screaming all the way now for 3 years. We have been through so much honey, but I wouldn't have it any other way honestly. He has been my life all the way and I can't imagine my life without him. I know a lot of people are amazed that we are actually older than we look, but this was when I was 30 and my hubby was 32. I am a true believer that you honestly need to know how to live with your spouse before you get married. I came from a very traditional Catholic family that didn't like the fact that I lived with my fiance before we got married, but you know what. That was the best thing we could have done to make our marriage last. It hasn't been easy which is to be expected, but we have a system now and we can easily work together as a team and not against each other.

You are probably wondering what my last picture is going to be. I can't figure which one I want to use, but I am probably going to figure it out pretty soon now. My last picture was taken about 2 months ago at our second Navy Ball in total and our last one here in the Great Lakes area. I don't know if we are going to make it to another one at our next station, but who knows. We haven't taken many pictures together since

this one that are decent, but I did just think of another one. We went to Adam and Sarah's Halloween party this year and boy did we have a lot of fun. We have made some awesome friends while we were here and hope that we can continue our friendship with each and every one of them. I mentioned something awhile back in regards to something that I have learned in my life. That would be that you will always meet and make new friends, but the thing that you have to remember is that no matter where you go in your path of life your true ones will be there for you no matter what.