
Friday, December 31, 2010

Photo Blog Challenge Day 2-Something I am proud of

I am so proud of many different things this year that it is really hard for me to pick just one. I think the first one would have to be myself. I know that might sound a little selfish, but you know what. I have overcome a lot of things this year and I am really proud of myself for doing that. The first thing that I overcame would have to be that I am happier than I ever have been in my life and in my marriage. I might not always act like it, but you know what. I am really fortunate to have the marriage that I do have. Alex supports me 100% is so many ways that I really can't explain it in words. The picture to the right was taken right before Christmas of just the 2 of us. Since we moved to VA right before the Holidays we really didn't do much for the Holiday this year. We pretty much just spent the day with each other and had dinner at home. This was a gift to each other and there is nothing more than I really want from him right now. Being in VA is going to be the last chapter of his Naval career and I am very proud of what he has accomplished in the last 17 years. I know I don't always show it in my actions, but I am really proud of him and I can't ask for anything more from him at this time.
The picture to the left was taken on Xmas Day. I am so lucky to have these two cats in my life. They came into our live 3 years ago about a week before Xmas and boy are we lucky to have them. They keep us nice and warm when we need to warm up on the couch. The other thing that they do that surprises us is that they will start acting up when we are arguing so we concentrate on what is making them upset and make us forget what we were arguing about. What more can we ask of our kids. We love them a lot and I can't wait to share more pictures of them with you and along with the stories that we have with them. I want to take this time to wish each and every one a safe and Happy New Year. I will be making my next post in 2011. I can't believe I am actually saying that and I am in a different state this year than I as in last year. That's the life of a Navy wife, but honestly I don't think I would have it any other way.

Thursday, December 30, 2010

32 Day Photo Blog Challenge Day 1

I know I should have done this yesterday, but I wasn't able to get it done yesterday. Hopefully his won't be a continuation for the next 32 days. This picture was taken about a month ago by my good friend Ashleigh. She took some other pictures of me that I can't post on here for obvious reasons, but this is tasteful enough for me to post.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

A Couple of New Challenges

The first challenge that I am going to take part of I have to thank Ashleigh again for it. Girl I don't know what I would do with you sometimes. I have had a really rough time with this move to VA and now that I have this challenge to do it will make things go so much easier for me. So here is the first challenge, for 32 days you need to post a picture that has to do with the topic for the day. I really liked the 30 Day Blog Challenge that I did before and I am glad you put one together Ashleigh for me.

Here are the topics:

Day 1: You! (Starts easy enough, right? ;))
Day 2: Something you are proud of.
Day 3: A view you see daily.
Day 4: Inanimate object that hold sentimental value for you.
Day 5: Your job.
Day 6: Article of clothing. (Does not have to be worn, or even yours! :))
Day 7: The place you feel the most like you.
Day 8: The past.
Day 9: Holiday photo. (ANY holiday)
Day 10: Family!
Day 11: Something that tells something about you most people don't know.
Day 12: Something old.
Day 13: Your addiction.
Day 14: Someone you admire.
Day 15: Your favorite color.
Day 16: Something beautiful.
Day 17: Passing the time.
Day 18: Your future.
Day 19: Your most treasured belonging.
Day 20: Sports.
Day 21: Friends.
Day 22: Your style.
Day 23: Food.
Day 24: Something you are passionate about.
Day 25: Technology.
Day 26: Something that you dislike.
Day 27: Your weakness.
Day 28: Your significant other.
Day 29: Something new.
Day 30: Something you miss.
Day 31: A fear.
Day 32: A dream.

The second challenge that I am going to take part in is not on a blog type situation. I have a friend back home in CA that RSVP'd to a 100 day 30 minute work out challenge. It doesn't matter what kind of physical exercise you do each day as long as you do it. I think that every day I do the picture I am going to do my workout and tell you what I do. This challenge doesn't start until the 1st of Jan but hey I am going to do it. If you want to join Ashleigh and I on the first one then all means. Any one that wants to join me on the other challenge, then just look it up on my events page or let me know you want an invitation and I will invite you to take part.

I am hoping that both of these will keep me involved in something the next few days so I am not going nuts like I have been for the last 3 weeks. Alex is still here with me, but I don't know how much longer it is going to be that he is going to be here. I need to start doing something now, so I can keep my mind off of things.