This would be the day that Alex and I met back in 1993. I know I have this in another album on here, but not every one has actually seen it. I feel in love with this guy that night and was heart broken when we broke up, but you know what. I don't mind waiting 13 years to be with him again because it has been very worth it. I am so excited that I can spend the rest of my life with him.
This is where I can put my thoughts and what is going on in my life at the time. This helps me get through the troubling times I seem to be going through right now. I remember using a diary when I was younger and sometimes I would forget what I wanted to write in, but with a blog I don't have that problem.
Thursday, April 28, 2011
My Latest Blog Challenge
With my last challenge coming to a close I am trying to figure out what I am going to do for my next challenge. I don't have anything in particular to pick yet because I have no guidance on this one like I have had in the past 4 I believe now. I think with a really important day coming up soon for Alex and I am going to go ahead and start posting pictures of on here of through out our relationship. I have found pictures that a lot of our friends haven't seen in years that I think will be awesome for us to share with out friends and family of course. It isn't going to be long before he comes home and I am going to be posting pictures of that event.
Wednesday, April 27, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 60
This is what I am most excited about. I am so excited about being in his arms again and it will be here before all of us know it in the command. We all have our ways of how we are going to spend that first night they are home and I am going to keep mine to myself because it is a lot different from what I originally would want it to be. Alex and I have made big steps in our marriage since this separation and we are so excited to continue our lives here in VA Beach. Just remember OPSEC ladies because we have to keep our loved ones safe.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 59
This is my external hard drive. I use this like a crazy person now because of all of the pictures that I am taking for a small business that I am putting together. learned the hard way with not having a back up with my job a week ago, so now every day I am backing up my computer especially now that I am getting busy with my photography. Heck maybe eventually I can do this full time and not have to work. You never know right. Here is hopeful thinking.
Monday, April 25, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 58
This is one of my favorite animals along with one of my favorite pictures. I have many favorite animals and I thought since this has two things that are my favorites in it I would choose this photo. I took this picture this past summer when I was at the Brookfield Zoo with Sam and her kids. I wish I could have known Sam the whole time that we lived in WI because she is a great person and I miss her a lot. I know I just have to remember that my true friends will be there for me no matter where I end up. It is hard to remember that sometimes, but if I keep that in the back of my mind I will be good.
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Personal Challenge Day 107-113
GEN 5:4 And the days of Adam, after he begot Seth, were eight hundred years: and he begot sons and daughters.
GEN 5:5 And all the time that Adam lived came to nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.
GEN 5:6 Seth also lived a hundred and five years, and begot Enos.
GEN 5:7 And Seth lived after he begot Enos, eight hundred and seven years, and begot sons and daughters.
GEN 5:8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.
GEN 5:9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begot Cainan.
GEN 5:10 After whose birth he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and begot sons and daughters.
GEN 5:5 And all the time that Adam lived came to nine hundred and thirty years, and he died.
GEN 5:6 Seth also lived a hundred and five years, and begot Enos.
GEN 5:7 And Seth lived after he begot Enos, eight hundred and seven years, and begot sons and daughters.
GEN 5:8 And all the days of Seth were nine hundred and twelve years, and he died.
GEN 5:9 And Enos lived ninety years, and begot Cainan.
GEN 5:10 After whose birth he lived eight hundred and fifteen years, and begot sons and daughters.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 57
I am not really sure what my favorite Holiday is any more. These last 5 1/2 months has really made me re-think what it might be any more. I think at this point in my life, I think any time of the year that I can spend every night with my hubby by my side is my favorite Holiday if not part of the year. Alex has always told me that when he is on deployment it is just another day and nothing more. I didn't know the reasoning behind this saying until just recently. This is now my 3rd Holiday that he hasn't been home for this year. I know all the other families in his command have been separated for a lot more, but it is different for me. My true friends know why it is different for me and again I can't thank them for all they have done for me this time of my life. Love you guys all and can't wait to bring Alex home so you can meet him. Pretty soon guys.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 56
This makes me so happy. Alex made a promise to me awhile back that he would be home in time for the flowers to be blooming and to spend sometime looking at gorgeous flowers with me. I took this last week at the Botanical Gardens when I was there with Amber and Arianna. I just get teary eyed just thinking about this time of year because I am so close to seeing Alex again I can't help but cry tears of joy. Some really good days are approaching very soon and I can't wait for them to be here because it is just way too long. I love you baby and can't wait to be in your arms again.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 55
I just saw this movie last night with Amber and boy was it hilarious. I am very fond of Tyler Perry's work and recommend any one that hasn't watched some of his movies to watch them. I know every family has at least part of these movies in their families. I have a pretty unique family in my life and I am so lucky to have them as my rock right now. You never know when you will not be able to get a chance to be with your family again, so I urge any one that might not be in good terms with their family to try to make amends with them now. Enjoy the movie because it will make you laugh like crazy.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 54
I my camera would be the one thing that I would bring to a deserted island. I know memories last a lifetime, but you know what so does digital pictures. I have such an amazing husband that loves the hobbies that I do and is willing to give me whatever I need to do the best that I can for my newest love. I absolutely love taking the pictures that I have been able to with this camera of mine and can't wait to get more with Alex in them. The last 5 1/2 months I have taken pictures with it without Alex being around and I have lots show him when he gets back. I am hoping to start my newest scrapbook by the time he gets back and the clock is ticking, so I need to finish the other one that I have started already.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 53
This picture was taken in NY. The person that I am referring to in this picture would be my sister Cyndy. She is a such a wonderful woman and is absolutely beautiful no matter what she might say. I love her to death and have been so lucky to have her support along with all my friends and family during the last 5 1/2 months here in VA. She has always told me that when I am having a rough time in my life, my true friends will be there for me no matter what. You know what, she is right. I love the fact that after 15 years we are finally living in the same time zone and we are both just a train ride away from each other if we needed to be there for each other. I love you big sis of mine and I can't wait to bring you to VA Beach for a visit.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 52
This is my all time favorite Baseball Team and favorite sport in my life. I have always been a Dodger Fan and always will be one no matter what state we live in. Yes, we might not always have the best record in the game, but you know what I would never change my love for them. The main reason why I love the sport would be for the memories that I have playing it in the front yard with my brother David before he passed away. I might not have the best skills when it comes to playing sports, but this is one that I can watch for hours. Heck when I am at the games in person, I even keep score and that is one of the things that I love the most about it. Hopefully Alex and I will make it to a game this year. Here is to hoping.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 51
This would be very similar to my dream car believe it or not. I am pretty found of the older models of the American Muscle Cars. This is a Dodge Dart and I grew up riding in one with my father back in CA. I miss driving in these cars because they show the history of American Made cars. Yes it was a gas hog, but you know what. I would rather get into an accident in this car than the ones they make today because they were made to survive wrecks and not be totaled in one hit. Hopefully one day Alex and I can get our dream cars and be able to drive and/or ride in them down the road.
Thursday, April 21, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 50
This is where I have been a lot lately since we have been having absolutely gorgeous weather this week. Unfortunately it is supposed to start getting cold again for a few days, but heck I could be back in WI where they just got snow again a couple of days ago. I know I don't miss that whatsoever. This is one of the many places I can see Alex and I spending sometime when he is on leave very shortly here now.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 49
Okay this is what my apartment on the outside looks like. This isn't mine exactly for a couple of reasons and for safety reasons I am not going to show you one of my place exactly. My apartment is on the lower level of this kind of set up. If you were to standing taking this picture, then my apartment would be on the flip side of this building. Even though it isn't my apartment, it looks like this entirely. I will eventually post pictures on here of our apartment, but not for awhile because I don't feel comfortable doing that right now.
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Personal Challenge Day 99-106
GEN 4:23 And Lamech said to his wives Ada and Sell: Hear my voice, ye wives of Lamech, hearken to my speech: for I have slain a man to the wounding of myself, and a stripling to my own bruising.
GEN 4:24 Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times sevenfold.
GEN 4:25 Adam also knew his wife again: and she brought forth a son, and called his name Seth, saying: God hath given me another seed, for Abel whom Cain slew.
GEN 4:26 But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the Lord.
GEN 5:1 This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God.
GEN 5:2 He created them male and female; and blessed them: and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
GEN 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot a son to his own image and likeness, and called his name Seth.
GEN 4:24 Sevenfold vengeance shall be taken for Cain: but for Lamech seventy times sevenfold.
GEN 4:25 Adam also knew his wife again: and she brought forth a son, and called his name Seth, saying: God hath given me another seed, for Abel whom Cain slew.
GEN 4:26 But to Seth also was born a son, whom he called Enos; this man began to call upon the name of the Lord.
GEN 5:1 This is the book of the generation of Adam. In the day that God created man, he made him to the likeness of God.
GEN 5:2 He created them male and female; and blessed them: and called their name Adam, in the day when they were created.
GEN 5:3 And Adam lived a hundred and thirty years, and begot a son to his own image and likeness, and called his name Seth.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 48
I have to admit that both of these guys in this picture are not too bad at acting and also not that bad looking. I am really looking forward to this movie that this picture is from. I have really grown to like Action Packed Movies and from what I have seen in trailers for this one, it won't disappoint any one in my opinion. Yes people are probably thinking that these are way over done, but you know what I don't care. Nice looking guys and cars, what else can I girl ask for right.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 47
This store is one of my many favorite stores to shop right now. I also do shop a couple of other places on a regular basis, but this is the one I do most often. I think the best part for us is that there is a Super Center opening up in walking distance of our apartment here in a couple of months. It makes it a lot easier especially since soon enough I will be needing to do a lot of walking to get places I needed to go when Alex comes back next month.
Friday, April 15, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 46
I know this might be getting really old for me to be saying, but this is what I miss the most in my life right now. I think the only place I would want to be right now would be in Alex's arms. We are so close to the end of this deployment that I can taste it and it is killing me every day it gets closer. I have so much to say to him that every time I talk to him on the phone all I want to do is cry because it is just so hard to say it in the little bit of time I have with him on the phone. This picture was taken right before we said our goodbyes back in January. To be honest with you, whenever I look at it I cry because I miss him so much. We are so close to being in each others arms that it is almost a dream.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 45
This is my room. It is a collection of both my stuff and Alex's stuff. The favorite things that are in the room are the pictures that are on the wall. I would say the favorite part of it for Alex is the TV that is on the Animal Planet. There is a story behind that particular which is a pretty funny. We came here with a 19in TV but ended up a 32" instead.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 44
I don't recall ever being told that I look like someone. I know I was told that my good friend Rachel and I look like twins which is funny considering she has a twin sister Kelly. I have always been told to be myself as an individual and never try to look like someone else. I just have to remember that I love myself for who I am and Alex loves me the same way.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 43
I can't imagine my life without my Sailor. I got this off a friend of mine's page that I couldn't resist taking. I will admit my Sailor did steal my heart, but you know I think I stole his also. He has been by my side these last close to 4 months now and you know I honestly wouldn't have it any other way at this point. He has told me over and over that he is so proud of me and you know what I am just as proud of him. He is so close to finishing something he started almost 18 years ago. We are so close my love to closing this chapter in our lives. I started it with you back in 1993 and I am so honored to be by your side to help you finish it. No matter what our lives bring to us we are only stronger together than apart. Love you baby and I can't wait to be in your arms again.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Personal Challenge Day 93-99
GEN 4:16 And Cain went out from the face of the Lord, and dwelt as a fugitive on the earth, at the east side of Eden.
GEN 4:17 And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a city, and called the name thereof by the name of his son Henoch.
GEN 4:18 And Henoch begot Irad, and Irad begot Maviael, and Maviael begot Mathusael, and Mathusael begot Lamech:
GEN 4:19 Who took two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other was Sella.
GEN 4:20 And Ada brought forth Jabel: who was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of herdsmen.
GEN 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of them that play upon the harp and the organs.
GEN 4:22 Sella also brought forth Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artificer in every work of brass and iron. And the sister of Tubalcain was Noema.
GEN 4:17 And Cain knew his wife, and she conceived, and brought forth Henoch: and he built a city, and called the name thereof by the name of his son Henoch.
GEN 4:18 And Henoch begot Irad, and Irad begot Maviael, and Maviael begot Mathusael, and Mathusael begot Lamech:
GEN 4:19 Who took two wives: the name of the one was Ada, and the name of the other was Sella.
GEN 4:20 And Ada brought forth Jabel: who was the father of such as dwell in tents, and of herdsmen.
GEN 4:21 And his brother's name was Jubal; he was the father of them that play upon the harp and the organs.
GEN 4:22 Sella also brought forth Tubalcain, who was a hammerer and artificer in every work of brass and iron. And the sister of Tubalcain was Noema.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 42
I know this isn't an actual picture of a home, but it is definitely one of the places that Alex and I have considered leaving once he retires from the Navy. This would be in Bristol, WI. We loved it all over in the state of WI and this was one of our favorite places. I know a few of my friends would be mad if we moved to WI, but you know what. Something that I have learned ever since I moved away from home is that your true friends will be with you no matter where you go. I have made some awesome friends all across the country and I can't wait to share all the experiences I have done with all of them.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 41
I can't believe that this was almost a year ago. This is our little family and I couldn't just put one of these guys in a picture so I put both of them. Alex is holding Lelani and I am holding Elvis. These are our babies and they aren't just a pet to us. In fact as I am writing this Elvis is reminding me how much he really misses his daddy at this point. I just keep on reminding him that daddy aka Alex will be home soon. Trust me I am ready to turn the hat back over to him to be his laptime person. It is really hard when I have both of them wanting to sit on me and Lelani doesn't normally sit on me. Ever since Alex has been gone we have a little bit of mommy and Lelani time at least once a week.
Friday, April 08, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 40
This would be Donald Duck. I know a lot of people like Mickey and Minnie Mouse the most, but I like this guy. I have many memories as a kid of my dad making the voice that he would make when he would talk especially when he would get mad. Good times that I had with my dad and I will always remember those especially when I have my own children.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 39
Believe it or not this was the first movie that Alex and I went and saw back in 1993. I lived in WA for almost 7 months before we moved to WI back in 2007. I do own this movie and haven't watched it in awhile, but I think I am going to change that today. This is another place I would recommend you go and visit even if you don't like the rain that much. It is a gorgeous state and the Space Needle is spectacular at night at the Restaurant.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 38
This is a very nice thing to have every once in awhile when Alex has been gone. I have tried new wines with my new friends and I still have my favorites. The one thing Alex surprised me with already is a bottle of wine that he bought when he was in port last. It is a bottle of Italian Merlot. Something to really look forward to when he comes home in less than a month. Exciting times are coming. I can't wait.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 37
This was my day for awhile after Alex left for deployment. Elvis is on the left and Lelani is on the right. I can honestly say that for a few weeks after he left, that if it weren't for these two I wouldn't have a reason to get up everyday. Now I have a great group of friends that get me out more and more each day. I can't wait for Alex to come home so he can enjoy my new friends with me along with his two cats and our many fish including 2 baby Mollie fish.
Monday, April 04, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 36
This is my significant other Alex and our good friend Ed and Deb's little boy JT on his birthday this past November in Kenosha. I really got him this year because since our Wedding Anniversary is on his birthday, I feel he gets left out for his birthday. This year I made it up to him. I didn't just let him take me out for our Anniversary that week, I had a few friends come over for a cake party at our good friend Josh's house. Boy do we miss you all and can't wait for us to have another party.
Sunday, April 03, 2011
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 35
This is a pretty decent place that Alex and I went to in Kenosha, WI. I know some people would think different about this place, but for the amount of about $60 for dinner you get a lot of food and nice ambiance. If you ever get a chance to get there when you visit Kenosha, WI, then try to stop by if you are in the mood for some Italian food.
Saturday, April 02, 2011
Personal Challenge Day 86-92
GEN 4:9 And the Lord said to Cain: Where is thy brother Abel? And he answered, I know not: am I my brother's keeper?
GEN 4:10 And he said to him: What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth.
GEN 4:11 Now, therefore, cursed shalt thou be upon the earth, which hath opened her mouth and received the blood of thy brother at thy hand,
GEN 4:12 When thou shalt till it, it shall not yield to thee its fruit: a fugitive and vagabond shalt thou be upon the earth.
GEN 4:13 And Cain said to the Lord: My iniquity is greater than that I may deserve pardon.
GEN 4:14 Behold thou dost cast me out this day from the face of the earth, and I shall be hidden from thy face, and I shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth: everyone, therefore, that findeth me, shall kill me.
GEN 4:15 And the Lord said to him: No, it shall not be so: but whosoever shall kill Cain, shall be punished sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, that whosoever found him should not kill him.
GEN 4:10 And he said to him: What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth to me from the earth.
GEN 4:11 Now, therefore, cursed shalt thou be upon the earth, which hath opened her mouth and received the blood of thy brother at thy hand,
GEN 4:12 When thou shalt till it, it shall not yield to thee its fruit: a fugitive and vagabond shalt thou be upon the earth.
GEN 4:13 And Cain said to the Lord: My iniquity is greater than that I may deserve pardon.
GEN 4:14 Behold thou dost cast me out this day from the face of the earth, and I shall be hidden from thy face, and I shall be a vagabond and a fugitive on the earth: everyone, therefore, that findeth me, shall kill me.
GEN 4:15 And the Lord said to him: No, it shall not be so: but whosoever shall kill Cain, shall be punished sevenfold. And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, that whosoever found him should not kill him.
Now A 60 Day Photo Challenge Day 34
This is one of our favorite CD's. It has gotten us through a lot of arguments that took place on the many road trips that we have done together. The last couple of weeks have been really rough on me and just recently this particular CD came out of my file of music. It has really helped me for the most part, but I do miss my gang of friends that were there for me during my hardest times. I am learning who my true friends are very quickly here and boy do I wish I could just turn back time. I can't wait for Alex to come home, so we can reconnect and start a new chapter in our marriage.
Friday, April 01, 2011
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