
Monday, May 16, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 122-135

GEN 5:19 And Jared lived after he begot Henoch, eight hundred years, and begot sons and daughters.

GEN 5:20 And all the days of Jared were nine hundred and sixty-two years, and he died.

GEN 5:21 And Henoch lived sixty-five years, and begot Mathusala.

GEN 5:22 And Henoch walked with God: and lived after he begot Mathusala, three hundred years, and begot sons and daughters.

GEN 5:23 And all the days of Henoch were three hundred and sixty-five years.

GEN 5:24 And he walked with God, and was seen no more: because God took him.

GEN 5:25 And Mathusala lived a hundred and eighty-seven years, and begot Lamech.

GEN 5:26 And Mathusala lived after he begot Lamech, seven hundred and eighty-two years, and begot sons and daughters.

GEN 5:27 And all the days of Mathusala were nine hundred and sixty-nine years, and he died.

GEN 5:28 And Lamech lived a hundred and eighty-two years, and begot a son.

GEN 5:29 And he called his name Noe, saying: This same shall comfort us from the works and labours of our hands on the earth which the Lord hath cursed.

GEN 5:30 And Lamech lived after he begot Noe, five hundred and ninety-five years, and he begot sons and daughters.

GEN 5:31 And all the days of Lamech came to seven hundred and seventy-seven years, and he died. And Noe, when he was five hundred years old, begot Sem, Cham, and Japheth.

GEN 6:1 And after that men began to be multiplied upon the earth, and daughters were born to them.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 19

This was taken right before we went onto the ship for the Whale Watching Trip. As Alex would tell you, he didn't like it because we were on the boat for 4 hours. He failed to realize we saw some really cool things during that period because he just wanted to get off the boat since he started getting nauseous. was trying so hard not to laugh, but I couldn't help it since out of all people on is trip he gets sea sick. I love you baby and can't wait to see you in a couple of hours.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 18

This is Alex on the dock. I have been forgetting to mention one thing in these sets of pictures. The car that we are leaning up against was his Honda Accord that at first I thought he loved more than me, but that wasn't the case. He named her BB for me which meant Baby Becky. She was a beautiful besides me having to share his attention with her and because of idiot people she was taken away from Alex a couple of months after these were taken. Lots of fun memories were made in this car, but hopefully soon we will be getting a new one to revive her.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 17

This is myself on the dock right before we went on a really nice Whale Watching trip. Alex had never been on one before and was looking forward to it along with making my birthday complete with a nice Whale Watching Cruise. We were told that we can't expect to see any whales each day, but they have some luck the last couple of days which including many whale sitings.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 16

This is us off the pier outside of the Aquarium. We had so much fun that weekend and we felt like were back in High School again. We have both gotten older and can't party like we used to back in the days, but I have to admit it was fun watching him be a kid again.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 15

This picture was also taken the weekend Alex took me up to Monterey. All of my life I have always wanted to go to this aquarium and to be honest with you. I was kind of disappointed with it. I guess all of the years I wanted to go to it I got my hopes up and when I saw it I was like this is it. Long Beach Aquarium which is not as far from where I grew up now, is an amazing Aquarium and I would rather spend my money there instead of making a huge trip up to Monterrey for what I saw. Either way, I had a great time up there for the weekend with my best friend.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 14

This picture was also taken the weekend Alex took me up to Monterey. All of my life I have always wanted to go to this aquarium and to be honest with you. I was kind of disappointed with it. I guess all of the years I wanted to go to it I got my hopes up and when I saw it I was like this is it. Long Beach Aquarium which is not as far from where I grew up now, is an amazing Aquarium and I would rather spend my money there instead of making a huge trip up to Monterey for what I saw. Either way, I had a great time up there for the weekend with my best friend.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Newest Photo Challenge Day 13

This is from the same weekend of my birthday. If I am not mistaken, this is also the day of my birthday or the day before. The guy in the middle is the guy that was our match maker back in 1993. I was his date to his Grad Night knowing that we were just friends and Alex was his friend from Junior High. Well the rest of it is history and boy do we have some great memories. Alex needed some help to pass his 9mm qualifications on the USS Lincoln that year and Chris was willing to help. Little did I know that I was happy to be at the shooting range with them both having a good time. We appreciate all that he has done for us and look forward to seeing you again really soon Chris.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 12

This picture was taken the day before my birthday. I think the best thing about this weekend was the fact he showed up in his Dress Blues at my work with a dozen of long stem roses. I don't care what people say, but the Navy Blues are some really hot uniforms I must say. All the people I worked with at the time were very impressed by him coming to meet them in his uniform. I think at that point they knew that I was going to be leaving the company because of how happy I was that day.

Sunday, May 08, 2011

Newest Photo Challenge Day 11

This was taken the weekend that I went to WA to visit Alex for the first time ever. We didn't do much that weekend because we just wanted to be with each other and have a great time. I fell in love with WA the moment I saw the sights there. Alex doesn't want to move back there ever, but if we had to I know I would enjoy it. Not as much as I love WI, but I don't know if any other place than there I would want to retire.

Saturday, May 07, 2011

Newest Photo Challenge Day 10

This picture was taken right before I took Alex home before the end of our weekend together. There were so many memories that we shared and made that weekend. As I look back to that weekend, I realize how lucky I am to have him in my life. In the near future it is going to feel like it was that weekend all over again. I will let every one know when it happens but for obvious reasons I am not able to share specifics at this time.

Friday, May 06, 2011

Newest Photo Challenge Day 9

This would be Alex's good friend Andy. I reconnected these two guys after I reconnected with Alex on My Space. Due a stupid misunderstanding back in 1994 they stopped talking to each other and lost contact with each other for many years. Great memories were made this day at Jerry's Famous Deli in Studio City. This picture was taken the last day Alex was in LA for the first time to see me. All I can remember when we were in the car to get something to eat was dude, dude, dude, and more dudes. It was a very long time coming to reconnect these guys and I am so glad I was able to do that for both of them.

Thursday, May 05, 2011

Newest Photo Challenge Day 8

This picture means even more to us now that Alex's father has passed away. This is his father Elliot and his mother Lourdes in CA. This was taken the weekend that Alex came down to see me for the first time in 13 years. I think they knew done in the bottom of the hearts that I was going to be marrying their son that day. I have never felt so welcome into some one's home than I did that weekend. Dad Ornelas we love you so much and will miss you tremendously. Alex is so sorry that he isn't going to be able to be there for the service, but duty calls. We are hoping to make a trip to TX later on this year to visit the family, but we aren't sure when it is going to happen. As soon as we know, then we will make it happen.

Wednesday, May 04, 2011

Newest Photo Challenge Day 7

This was taken at on the pier in Huntington Beach. I knew after spending the day with my cousin Dene, Craig, Michelle, and Joey with this man that I was going to spend the rest of my life with him. We were like young kids that had a puppy love and never want to let go of each other again. I love him so much and I can't wait to start our next chapter in our marriage. Yes we have at least one more deployment to deal with, but heck as every one has told me. If we can get through what we have during this last 2 years now, then we can get through anything.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 6

This is the night that Alex and I saw each other for the first time in 13 years. We both went into seeing each other thinking that we were just going to be good friends and nothing more. Little did I know that I would have fallen for him all over again. I fell for him the night he graduated from High School, but of course I thought it was just a puppy love. I don't ever regret looking him up on Myspace and just wondering if he would respond. Love you baby.

Monday, May 02, 2011

Personal Challenge Day 114-121

GEN 5:11 And the days of Enos were nine hundred and five years, and he died.

GEN 5:12 And Cainan lived seventy years, and begot Malaleel.

GEN 5:13 And Cainan lived after he begot Malaleel, eight hundred forty years, and begot sons and daughters.

GEN 5:14 And all the days of Cainan were nine hundred and ten years, and he died.

GEN 5:15 And Malaleel lived sixty-five years, and begot Jared.

GEN 5:16 And Malaleel lived after he begot Jared, eight hundred and thirty years, and begot sons and daughters.

GEN 5:17 And all the days of Malaleel were eight hundred and ninety-five years, and he died.

GEN 5:18 And Jared lived a hundred and sixty-two years, and begot Henoch.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 5

This is the teddy bear that he gave me the day he came down to LA on the plane to see me for the first time in 13 years. The interesting thing is the fact that Alex doesn't like to fly whatsoever, but flew down that weekend to see me. I guess it was meant to be because almost 5 years later and we are still together kicking and screaming all the way.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 4

This is the picture that was on Alex's profile the day I found him on Myspace. I always knew him by the size of his hands and also his smile. He hasn't changed much since the day we met back in 1993 except for getting a little more mature and older looking. I am the luckiest woman on the earth right now to find my soul mate and best friend in one person.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 3

This picture is the picture that Alex saw the first time he saw me back in 2006 which makes it 13 years after we dated back in 1993. I had this picture on my profile on Myspace the time we reconnected. We have so many memories to share with you all, that this challenge is going to be a lot of fun to do for my friends.

Newest Photo Challenge Day 2

Was not able to load this picture on here, but I wanted to post it anyways. Again this was taken back in 1993. This was after Alex and I broke up that summer, but we still hung out as friends every once in awhile. We both still had feelings for each other at this point so it was really hard to not want to be with each other, but we knew that it was the best. This was taken at Van Nuys Airport Air Show. I can't believe how young we are in this picture, but you know what it is great to see them again.