GEN 9:13 I will set my bow in the clouds, and it shall be the sign of a covenant between me, and between the earth.
GEN 9:14 And when I shall cover the sky with clouds, my bow shall appear in the clouds:
GEN 9:15 And I will remember my covenant with you, and with every living soul that beareth flesh: and there shall no more be waters of a flood to destroy all flesh.
GEN 9:16 And the bow shall be in the clouds, and I shall see it, and shall remember the everlasting covenant, that was made between God and every living soul of all flesh which is upon the earth.
GEN 9:17 And God said to Noe: This shall be the sign of the covenant which I have established between me and all flesh upon the earth.
GEN 9:18 And the sons of Noe who came out of the ark, were Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and Cham is the father of Chanaan.
GEN 9:19 These three are the sons of Noe: and from these was all mankind spread over the whole earth.
GEN 9:20 And Noe, a husbandman, began to till the ground, and planted a vineyard.
GEN 9:21 And drinking of the wine was made drunk, and was uncovered in his tent.
GEN 9:22 Which when Cham the father of Chaanan had seen, to wit, that his father's nakedness was uncovered, he told it to his two brethren without.
GEN 9:23 But Sem and Japheth put a cloak upon their shoulders, and going backward, covered the nakedness of their father: and their faces were turned away, and they saw not their father's nakedness.
GEN 9:24 And Noe awaking from the wine, when he had learned what his younger son had done to him,
GEN 9:25 He said: Cursed be Chaanan, a servant of servants, shall he be unto his brethren.
GEN 9:26 And he said: Blessed be the Lord God of Sem, be Chanaan his servant.
GEN 9:27 May God enlarge Japheth, and may he dwell in the tents of Sem, and Chanaan be his servant.
GEN 9:28 And Noe lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years:
GEN 9:29 And all his days were in the whole nine hundred and fifty years: and he died.
GEN 10:1 These are the generations of the sons of Noe: Sem, Cham, and Japheth: and unto them sons were born after the flood.
GEN 10:2 The sons of Japheth: Gomer, and Magog, and Madai, and Javan, and Thubal, and Mosoch, and Thiras.
GEN 10:3 And the sons of Gomer: Ascenez and Riphath and Thogorma.
GEN 10:4 And the sons of Javan: Elisa and Tharsis, Cetthim, and Dodanim.
GEN 10:5 By these were divided the islands of the Gentiles in their lands, every one according to his tongue and their families in their nations.
GEN 10:6 And the sons of Cham: Chus, and Mesram, and Phuth, and Chanaan.
GEN 10:7 And the sons of Chus: Saba and Hevila, and Sabatha, and Regma, and Sabatacha. The sons of Regma: Saba and Dadan.
GEN 10:8 Now Chus begot Nemrod: he began to be mighty on earth.
GEN 10:9 And he was a stout hunter before the Lord. Hence came a proverb: Even as Nemrod the stout hunter before the Lord.
GEN 10:10 And the beginning of his kingdom was Babylon, and Arach, and Achad, and Chalanne in the land of Sennaar.
GEN 10:11 Out of that land came forth Assur, and built Ninive, and the streets of the city, and Chale.
GEN 10:12 Resen also between Ninive and Chale: this is the great city.
GEN 10:13 And Mesraim begot Ludim, and Anamim, and Laabim, Nepthuim,
GEN 10:14 And Phetrusim, and Chasluim; of whom came forth the Philistines, and the Capthorim.
GEN 10:15 And Chanaan begot Sidon, his firstborn, the Hethite,