
Thursday, October 13, 2005

What A Couple of Weeks

What a day. We are now in our busy time called the October Buying Trip here at my work and boy is it crazy. My temp as been here for three weeks now and she has been doing pretty good. My only concern is that she has called in sick one day each of those three weeks. Sandy said her concern to her about it today and I am hoping that her calling in sick will cease for awhile. She was lucky I didn't call in sick yesterday because I almost did, but I am glad I didn't because Sandy would have been in a worse mood than she was yesterday today. The good news is that we are already getting worksheets and project list from the crew on the trip so that makes my job easier.
My birthday is just one week away. I am kind of depressed because I don't have any one special to celebrate it with, but at least I have good friends. I am watching two dogs for a client of mine at my house who is having their house fumigated for termites starting next Wednesday so we are busy trying to get the house ready for them. Besides that I am going to spend the weekend with Dene and Joey down in HB. Well I gotta go now. Until next time...

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