
Saturday, January 22, 2011

32 Day Photo Blog Challenge Day 24

Just recently I have become very passionate about photography. I have always been told that I have an eye for it, but I never believed it until now. I have gone on 3 Interviews in the last month and they were all for a Photography job. I know I don't always seem really happy to be on my own at the moment, but you know what. Having the camera that you see in this picture and 2 batteries for it, I could get lost in my own little world. Now that we live on the East Coast, there is so much for me to experience. I sometimes feel that having a camera to be able capture some of the moments that I have is wonderful.
I forgot about this one time right after I got my new camera, my hubby and I went to a puppy parade and got to witness something truly amazing. There was a family there with there little boy Jackson who was celebrating his first Halloween and he was dressed up a little bear. You want to talk about an adorable little guy and his parents gave me permission to use him in my portfolio to show people my work. I probably will never see them again and/or hear from them again, but they will always be a memory that I will hold dear to my heart. I wish him and his family nothing but the best in life and if there is a reason I am pretty sure we will meet up again in the near future.

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